Je veux générer des fichiers pdf en utilisant le composant messenger de Symfony et KnpSnappyBundle. ALors toutes la config est parfaite. J'arrive à envoyer un message au bus.
Mais lors de la capture du message (handler), j'obtiens cette erreur qui dit qu"on ne trouve pas une variable:

08:37:01 INFO      [messenger] Received message App\Message\GeneratePDF ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF"]
08:37:01 ERROR     [messenger] Error thrown while handling message App\Message\GeneratePDF. Sending for retry #1 using 1000 ms delay. Error: "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable." ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF","retryCount" => 1,"delay" => 1000,"error" => "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable.","exception" => Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\HandlerFailedException^ { …}]
08:37:02 INFO      [messenger] Received message App\Message\GeneratePDF ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF"]
08:37:02 ERROR     [messenger] Error thrown while handling message App\Message\GeneratePDF. Sending for retry #2 using 2000 ms delay. Error: "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable." ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF","retryCount" => 2,"delay" => 2000,"error" => "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable.","exception" => Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\HandlerFailedException^ { …}]
08:37:04 INFO      [messenger] Received message App\Message\GeneratePDF ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF"]
08:37:04 ERROR     [messenger] Error thrown while handling message App\Message\GeneratePDF. Sending for retry #3 using 4000 ms delay. Error: "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable." ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF","retryCount" => 3,"delay" => 4000,"error" => "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable.","exception" => Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\HandlerFailedException^ { …}]
08:37:08 INFO      [messenger] Received message App\Message\GeneratePDF ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF"]
08:37:08 CRITICAL  [messenger] Error thrown while handling message App\Message\GeneratePDF. Removing from transport after 3 retries. Error: "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable." ["message" => App\Message\GeneratePDF^ { …},"class" => "App\Message\GeneratePDF","retryCount" => 3,"error" => "Impossible to access an attribute ("schemeAndHttpHost") on a null variable.","exception" => Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\HandlerFailedException^ { …}]

Je vous donne ma config et mon code.
Config en environnement de dev
Symfony 5.1.11
Messenger 5.1.11
KnpSnappyBundle 1.8.0
Php 7.4.20


        # Uncomment this (and the failed transport below) to send failed messages to this transport for later handling.
        # failure_transport: failed

            async: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'
            # failed: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed'
            # sync: 'sync://'

            # Route your messages to the transports
            'App\Message\GeneratePDF': async



namespace App\Message;

class GeneratePDF
    private $classeId;
    private $as;
    private $regime;
    private $annexeId;

    public function __construct(int $classeId, int $as, string $regime, int $annexeId){
        $this->classeId = $classeId;
        $this->as = $as;
        $this->regime = $regime;
        $this->annexeId = $annexeId;

    public function getAnnexeId()
        return $this->annexeId;

    public function getRegime()
        return $this->regime;

    public function getClasseId()
        return $this->classeId;

    public function getAs()
        return $this->as;



namespace App\MessageHandler;

use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;
use App\Entity\Annee;
use App\Entity\Eleve;
use App\Entity\Annexe;
use App\Entity\Classe;
use App\Message\GeneratePDF;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class GeneratePDFHandler extends AbstractController implements MessageHandlerInterface
    private $manager;
    private $snappy;

    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $manager, Pdf $snappy){
        $this->manager = $manager;
        $this->snappy = $snappy;

    public function __invoke(GeneratePDF $message)
        $repoEleve  = $this->manager->getRepository(Eleve ::class);
        $repoClasse = $this->manager->getRepository(Classe::class);
        $repoAnnee  = $this->manager->getRepository(Annee ::class);
        $repoAnnexe = $this->manager->getRepository(Annexe::class);

        $annexe = $repoAnnexe->find($message->getAnnexeId());
        $annee  = $repoAnnee->find($message->getAs());
        $classe = $repoClasse->find($message->getClasseId());
        $eleves = $repoEleve->minimumInformationsElevesDUneClasse($message->getClasseId());
        $dateNaissanceAr = [];
        foreach ($eleves as $eleve) {
            $dateNaissanceAr[$eleve["id"]] = $this->arabic_w2e($eleve["dateNaissance"]);

        $libelleAnneeAr  = $this->arabic_w2e($annee->getLibelle());
        $filename = "liste-de-classe-de-".$classe->getLibelleFr();
        $options = [
            'orientation'           => 'portrait',
            'enable-javascript'     => false,
            'javascript-delay'      => 1000,
            'no-stop-slow-scripts'  => true,
            'background'            => true,
            'lowquality'            => false,
            'page-width'            => 86,
            'page-height'           => 54,
            'margin-bottom'         => 0,
            'margin-left'           => 0,
            'margin-right'          => 0,
            'margin-top'            => 0,
            'encoding'              => 'utf-8',
            'images'                => true,
            'cookie'                => array(),
            'dpi'                   => 300,
            'enable-external-links' => false,
            'enable-internal-links' => false,

        $expiration = "Mai 2022";
        $html = $this->renderView('direction-scolarite/scolarite/cartes-scolaires.html.twig', [
            "annee"           => $annee,
            "classe"          => $classe,
            "eleves"          => $eleves,
            'annexe'          => $annexe,
            'expiration'      => $expiration,
            'dateNaissanceAr' => $dateNaissanceAr,
            'libelleAnneeAr'  => $libelleAnneeAr,
            'server'          => $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"],   

        // $this->snappy->getOutputFromHtml($html, $options);
        return new Response(
            $this->snappy->getOutputFromHtml($html, $options),
                'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
                'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="'.$filename.'.pdf"'

    public function arabic_w2e($str)
        $arabic_eastern = array('٠', '١', '٢', '٣', '٤', '٥', '٦', '٧', '٨', '٩');
        $arabic_western = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
        return str_replace($arabic_western, $arabic_eastern, $str);


Logique métier

   * @Security("is_granted('ROLE_SCOLARITE') or is_granted('ROLE_SCOLARITE_ANNEXE')")
   * @Route("/cartes-scolaires-des-eleves-d-une-classe-{as}-{regime}-{classeId}-{annexeId}", name="isi_cartes_scolaires_d_une_classe")
  public function cartesScolaireDesEleves(EntityManagerInterface $manager, int $as, string $regime, int $classeId, int $annexeId)
    $repoAnnexe = $manager->getRepository(Annexe::class);
    $annexe = $repoAnnexe->find($annexeId);
    if(!in_array($annexeId, $this->getUser()->idsAnnexes()) or (in_array($annexeId, $this->getUser()->idsAnnexes()) and $this->getUser()->findAnnexe($annexeId)->getDisabled() == 1)){
      $this->addFlash('danger', 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisés à exploiter les données de l\'annexe <strong>'.$annexe->getLibelle().'</strong>.');
      return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('annexes_homepage', ['as' => $as]));

    $this->dispatchMessage(new GeneratePDF($classeId, $as, $regime, $annexeId));

    return $this->redirectToRoute('isi_gestion_classes', ["as" => $as, "regime" => $regime, "annexeId" => $annexeId]);



Pourriez-vous me dire ce que je dois faire pour résoudre le problème ?

Désolé pour ce long sujet, mais je tenais à mettre à disposition tout le nécessaire.

Aucune réponse