Voila je rencontre un gros problème avec mon code.
Bon je cherche à créer une fonction getRandomQuote qui à pour bute de piquer dans mon tableau une citation tout en faisant en sorte de récuperer seulement une seule fois la citation en question.
Ceci me permet avec une autre fonction printQuote de n'afficher seulement une seule fois la citation et éviter les doublons.
A savoir que une fois toutes les citations apparues, on recommence le même process.
* Store all quotes objects
* @type {Array}
var quotes = [
"string": "How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.",
"source": "Gabrielle",
"citation": "Coco Chanel"
"string": "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.",
"source": "Raplh Waldo Emerson",
"citation": "Imitation is sucide"
"string": "Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway.",
"source": "Eleanor Roosevelt",
"category": "Life"
"string": "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.",
"source": "Albert Einstein",
"citation": "Cosmic Religion and Other Opinions and Aphorisms",
"year": "1931",
"category": "Creativity"
"string": "Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.",
"source": "Bruce Lee",
"category": "Courage"
"string": "Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.",
"source": "Elbert Hubbard",
"category": "Alife"
* store the number of quotes object into the array. Start counting from 0
* @type {int}
var quotes_length = quotes.length;
* Store the minimun index number from an array
* @type {int}
var min_number_quote = 0;
var random_quote;
var quote_string;
var quote_mirror;
var random_number;
var quotes_mirror = [];
* Get a random number from min number include to max number include
* @param {int} Min min number
* @param {int} Max max number
* @return {int} Return a random
* more details at
function getRandomNumber (min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min +1)) + min;
* Pick a random quote
* @param {array} quotes Containing all quotes
* @return {object literal} Return a quote with all properties
function getRandomQuote (quotes) {
if (quotes.length !== 0) {
random_number = getRandomNumber(min_number_quote, quotes.length -1);
random_quote = quotes[random_number];
quote_mirror = quotes.splice(random_number, 1);
return random_quote;
quotes = quotes_mirror;
quotes_mirror = []
random_number = getRandomNumber(min_number_quote, quotes.length -1);
random_quote = quotes[random_number];
return random_quote;
function printQuote () {
getRandomQuote(quotes, quotes_mirror, quotes_length);
* Constructs the quote and the source element
quote_string = '<p class="quote">';
quote_string += random_quote.string;
quote_string += '</p>';
quote_string += '<p class="source">';
quote_string += random_quote.source;
* If the property exist constructs the element
if (typeof random_quote.citation != "undefined") {
quote_string += '<span class="citation">';
quote_string += random_quote.citation;
quote_string += '</span>';
if (typeof random_quote.year != "undefined") {
quote_string += '<span class="year">';
quote_string += random_quote.year;
quote_string += '</span>';
if (typeof random_quote.category != "undefined") {
quote_string += '<span class="category">';
quote_string += random_quote.category;
quote_string += '</span>';
quote_string += '</p>';
document.getElementById("quote-box").innerHTML = quote_string;
// event listener to respond to "Show another quote" button clicks
// when user clicks anywhere on the button, the "printQuote" function is called
document.getElementById('loadQuote').addEventListener("click", printQuote, false);
Tout fonctionne nikel sauf au moment de tout rénitialiser dans mon fonction getRandomQuote.
Parce que tu dois mettre à jour ta variable quotes
(global) or, ici tu mets à jour effectivement la variable quotes
mais il s'agit d'un nom de paramètre de la fonction getRandomQuote
function getRandomQuote (remaining_quotes) {
if (remaining_quotes.length !== 0) {
random_number = getRandomNumber(min_number_quote, quotes.length -1);
random_quote = remaining_quotes[random_number];
quote_mirror = remaining_quotes.splice(random_number, 1);
return random_quote;
// Maj de la variable global `quotes`
quotes = quotes_mirror;
quotes_mirror = []
random_number = getRandomNumber(min_number_quote, quotes.length -1);
random_quote = quotes[random_number];
return random_quote;